“Good Vibrations”

This Mural was designed and painted for the Cincinnati Mennonite Fellowship Church. I have to send out a special thanks to Matt Grote for helping me complete this project.

When starting to design for this mural, the main goals were to add visibility to the church, community outreach, and represent the Church’s core values (peace, justice, and a welcoming congregation).

In one of our brainstorming meetings, a member of CMF described the community as not just local, but global. This gave me the inspiration for this ripple starting from one drop, and expanding outwards until it reaches all edges of the planet. This ripple is meant to represent the positive vibrations felt throughout the world wide community.

The sky above the drip and rippled earth is cosmic like. At the center there is a great cloud formation of energy building up, representing God’s power and eternal love, or the heavenly realm. It is meant to have the aesthetic qualities of a Star Nebula (Birth of a star). At the very center of this formation of clouds is a Christmas Rose, which represents Jesus.

The beams of light shooting out towards earth represent a few things. They are prayers that are being sent to God, as well as God’s helping hand guiding and helping those who follow him. This back and forth helps to charge up and expand God’s kingdom, to the point that a drop of manna, or a miracle drops down, creating this ripple felt by the whole world.

There are a number of elements bursting out from the heavenly realm, representing CMF’s core values. Lavender, lilies, a white dove, and olive branches represent peace. Black eyed Susans and Jasione flowers represent Justice. There are also Cosmo flowers representing the heavens, as well as peace.

The design as a whole is meant to be thought provoking, and show that dedication to themes of peace, justice, love, hope, and affirmation have a significantly positive impact on not just the local community, but the global community. It is an artistic representation of the fruits of the church’s labor. Things such as the community meal CMC puts on, 10,000 villages, or any other community outreach the church is involved with has a positive effect on people, sometimes in ways we will never see. This design is a reminder of the very deep impact these acts of peace, love, and affirmation gives to the community, the city, the region, the country, and even the world.

-Located at 4229 Brownway Ave, Cincinnati, OH

-Acrylic on extremely rough brick

-28’ x 26’
